Import the Product Feed

Pentaleap requires an up-to-date product feed to create campaigns, make ad decisions and run the system. The specifications for the file are listed below.
For more lightweight testing of the Pentaleap system, it's possible to work with only an MVP file (minimum required data specifications can be found in the section âMinimum Specificationsďťżâ), which contains a limited set of columns. However, please note that this approach may result in certain limitations in functionality.
A sample or dummy version of the product feed can be tested in the Pentaleap UI to quickly check that it meets the requirements.
For a full load and deltas (see below), your team will be provided with an FTP folder for secure and regular transfer of feed files.
IMPORTANT: GTIN must match the product ID sent in the ad request for the system to work optimally. Please ensure that the identifier for each product sent in the ad request matches the identifier set in the GTIN field in the product feed.
Product feeds should be uploaded automatically via FTP. We recommend that the feeds are updated at least daily. Itâs also possible to upload a product feed through the platformâs web interface.
Scope: All active retailer productsÂ
Column | Required | Format | Examples / Values | Description | Content Length Limitation |
brand | yes | String | Adidas | Product brand | 255 characters |
title | yes | String | Running Shoe Type X | Title of the product | 500 characters |
price_value | no | positive float with 2 digit precision, no thousand separator and a â.â as decimal separator | 99.99 | Price of the product | 10 digits, 2 of which being decimals |
price_currency | no | USD | Currency of the price of the product | 3 characters | |
sale_price | no | positive float with 2-digit precision, no thousand separator and a â.â as decimal separator | 49.00 | Real price of the product if there is an ongoing sale (e.g., to displayâŻ49$) | 10 digits, 2 of which being decimals |
product_type | yes | String | Clothes > Footwear > Chelsea boots || Casual style || Best Sellers | Product Category of the product according to internal retailer categorization (more than one product type also supported) It is recommended (but not mandatory) to use Google's taxonomy according to to | 1000 characters |
gtin | yes | String | 91201514076 | Product ID A unique identifier for the product eg. SKU, GTIN, productID or some other unique code for the product which is set by the retailer.  IMPORTANT: GTIN must match the product ID sent in the ad request for the system to work optimally. Please ensure that the identifier for each product sent in the ad request matches the identifier set in the GTIN field in the product feed. | The max supported value is: 9223372036854775807 |
product_group_id | yes | String | 3334000111 | Use the product_group_idâŻattribute to group product variants in your product data. Variants are a group of similar items that only differ in one detail such asâŻsize,âŻcolor,âŻetc. This attribute is used for the cross-product attribution. for example attributing products with different color or size. | 50 characters |
availability | yes | String | in stock, out of stock, preorder, backorder | Availability of the product (possible values are "in stock" or "out of stock"). | 12 characters |
image_link | no | String |  | Absolute URL to a product picture. Preferably an HTTPs link. | 4000 characters |

In addition to a total product feed representing the current state of all products, there is the option to provide delta feeds representing only changes compared to the previous state.
Providing delta feeds rather than a full refresh means that the amount of data to be processed can be reduced heavily, allowing the products to be updated more often e.g. hourly. Using deltas also removes the sharing of unchanged, redundant data which is more efficient and cost effective for all.
Delta feeds need to be provided in three separate files in separated folders: one for new products to be added, one for changed products to be updated and one for products to be deleted. The following table shows the differences between the different feeds which can be provided:
 | Folder on FTP server where file needs to be placed | Considered CSV columns |
regular feed | . (root)Â | all |
delta feed - changed | ./changed | all |
delta feed - new | ./new | all |
delta feed - deleted | ./deleted | only gtin |