Pentaleap Developer Hub

Welcome to Pentaleap's developer documentation hub!
Here you'll find everything needed to understand the implement or work with of Pentaleap's Retail Media platform.
If you're a new retailer or publisher looking to implement Pentaleap on your own digital properties and to use or whitelabel the Pentaleap Interface, use the Fluid Adserver documentation. Once you implement the Adserver, you can already use our DSP Campaign and Publisher UI without any extra work.
If you're a partner looking to connect to Pentaleap via an existing retail partner for campaign management, reporting, OMS or billing, check out the Campaign and Reporting API pages.
If you want to understand how you can use Pentaleap's APIs to build your own retail media adserver and platform, read both sets of documentation. We recommend to start with the Adserver documentation, as this is the base tech which everything connects to.