Pentaleap Campaign & Reporting APIs

If you're not sure where to start with exploring the Pentaleap developer documentation, head to our start page first.
Please note: A planned upgrade and expansion of these Campaign and Reporting endpoints is scheduled in the coming weeks, please treat the current endpoints as a guide, but expect some changes to the endpoints themselves as well as many new options. The Pentaleap team can advise on specific changes for current planned integrations.
Pentaleap Retail Media Platform is an advanced onsite Retail Media platform utilised by leading online retailers. The platform allows for sponsored products and display campaigns to be placed anywhere on a retailer's owned digital properties to generate maximum revenue and protect the customer experience.
Pentaleap provides retailers with modular DSP and SSP technology for retail media, powered by our Fluid Adserver. For use of these APIs, it's a pre-requisite that the Adserver is implemented on the retailer site.
The documentation in this hub is designed for partners to integrate with and get data from our DSP. Typical users of these endpoints are demand sources, OMS providers and analytics partners of the Pentaleap platform, as well as retailers who want to connect their own UI to Pentaleap.
If you're a retailer interested in evolving your retail media capabilities with Pentaleap, please Contact Us to find out more about our technology, retailer integrations and platform UIs - but read on to learn a little more about our platform and approach to partner connections.
At Pentaleap, we are evolving Retail Media with industry-leading technology and a unique approach built on three principles: